Forum Solo ads forum How many leads to make money?

1 post / 0 likes

It is often said that an email address is worth around 1$. Is this also the case with Solo Ad Traffic?

How big should the list be to be able to earn a good amount of money?

My list is still small, only about 200 leads but no sales yet despite email series 

2 posts / 4 likes

Hi, Jan. Email marketing is all about probability and statistics. It's essentially a numbers game. The numbers of your list will vary based on the price of your offer, the demographics of your target audience, and your ability to create a community around your offers. List building creates an audience. Sales are generated from the community you build around your offers. Here are two places where you can create a free account to help you build your list for free in addition to solo ads. I hope this helps

Traffic Ad Bar #1

EasyHits4U #2